ROC Your Model’s World: Unleashing the power of AUC-ROC for Better Predictions!

Prajwal Srinivas
5 min readApr 16, 2023


In this article, we’ll break down the AUC-ROC curve in simple, intuitive terms, without the use of complicated formulas or technical jargon. So, whether you’re a seasoned data scientist or just starting out, read on to discover how the AUC-ROC curve can help separate the heroes from the zeroes in while training your machine learning models!

First, let’s discuss what exactly is ROC.

The ROC curve (Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve) is a powerful tool for evaluating the performance of a classification model across all classification thresholds. It offers crucial insights into the model’s ability to differentiate between different classes, making it an invaluable tool in many fields, such as medical diagnosis, fraud detection, and spam filtering.

The ROC curve is a graph that shows how well a machine learning model can distinguish between different classes. It plots the true positive rate (TPR) on the y-axis and the false positive rate (FPR) on the x-axis. TPR is the proportion of actual positive cases that the model correctly identifies as positive, while FPR is the proportion of negative cases that the model incorrectly identifies as positive. The ROC curve helps us to evaluate the performance of a model by comparing the trade-off between TPR and FPR at different classification thresholds. A good model will have a ROC curve that is closer to the top-left corner of the graph, indicating a high TPR and a low FPR, while a poor model will have a ROC curve that is closer to the diagonal line, indicating that it performs no better than random guessing.

Fig 1. ROC Curve (Image credit: Wikimedia)
  • Different ROC curves represent different models. Each curve (red, green, blue) corresponds to a different model that was trained with different settings (known as hyperparameters).
  • The diagonal red dashed line represents random guessing, which is what a model would achieve by guessing randomly.
  • If a model’s ROC curve is above the red dashed line, it is performing better than random guessing and could be considered for adoption.
  • If a model’s ROC curve is below the red dashed line, it is performing worse than random guessing and should be rejected.
  • The points on each ROC curve represent decision thresholds and the corresponding values of true positive rate (TPR) and false positive rate (FPR). Different thresholds lead to different TPR and FPR values, which affect overall model performance.
  • An ideal decision threshold would result in a TPR close to 1 (meaning the model identifies most true positives) and an FPR close to 0 (meaning the model doesn’t generate many false positives). This indicates a strong model with high accuracy.

Let’s say we are trying to build a machine learning model to detect credit card fraud. The model will look at a bunch of transactions and predict whether each transaction is fraudulent or not.

In this case, a true positive (TP) is when the model correctly identifies a fraudulent transaction as fraudulent, and a false positive (FP) is when the model incorrectly identifies a non-fraudulent transaction as fraudulent.

A good model will have a ROC curve that is closer to the top-left corner of the graph because it will have a high true positive rate (TPR), meaning that it correctly identifies most of the fraudulent transactions, while also having a low false positive rate (FPR), meaning that it doesn’t flag too many non-fraudulent transactions as fraudulent.

On the other hand, a poor model will have a ROC curve that is closer to the diagonal line because it is performing no better than random guessing. This means that the model is not effectively distinguishing between fraudulent and non-fraudulent transactions, and may be flagging too many non-fraudulent transactions as fraudulent, or missing too many fraudulent transactions. In other words, the model is not doing any better at detecting fraud than if we were just guessing randomly.

Now, let’s understand AUC.

AUC is a measure of the overall performance of a classification model. It represents the two-dimensional area under the ROC curve, which shows how well the model can distinguish between different classes. The ROC curve is a probability curve that tells us how well the model can separate positive and negative classes. AUC values range from 0 to 1, with higher values indicating better performance. A model with a high AUC value can accurately predict positive and negative classes, while a low AUC value means the model is less accurate in making predictions.

Image Courtesy: MATLAB

In line with the fraud detection, we discussed previously, the AUC value gives us a single number that summarizes the performance of our model across all possible thresholds, or cutoff values, that we might use to make a decision. An AUC value of 1 means our model is perfect at distinguishing fraud from not fraud, while a value of 0.5 means it’s no better than random guessing.

So, the higher the AUC value, the better our model is at detecting fraud and avoiding false alarms. And that’s why we use AUC as a measure of overall performance — it gives us a clear picture of how good our model is at separating the good from the bad.

In conclusion, understanding the AUC-ROC curve is crucial for evaluating the performance of machine learning models in a wide range of applications. By focusing on the intuitive nature of this metric, we can develop a better understanding of how our models make decisions, and how we can improve their accuracy and reliability. So, whether you’re working on fraud detection, medical diagnosis, or any other predictive task, keep the AUC-ROC curve in mind as a powerful tool for unleashing the full potential of your machine learning algorithms. Happy Learning!



Prajwal Srinivas

Master’s of Data Analytics Engineering Student @ Northeastern University | Ex- HSBC | Ex-TCS